Wrong Tooth Extraction

I often get questions from people who had the wrong tooth extracted, and they want to know whether or not they could pursue a claim.

Generally speaking, extracting the wrong tooth is a breach of care. That said, we still have to consider the damage component to determine whether a case merits filing a lawsuit. 

Perhaps extracting the wrong wisdom tooth –  which causes no further injury and requires no further treatment – is not going to raise to the level to justify filing a lawsuit. 

However, if it is one of your anterior teeth (your front teeth).  Or if in the case of a juvenile where treatment is then altered or delayed until the minor stops growing. Or if during the wrong extraction, the dentist causes further harm or damage.  Maybe in those cases, it would merit pursuing a lawsuit.

Every case is different and it's important to evaluate each case based upon its own facts

If you have sustained an injury following a dental procedure, please contact Scott for a no cost, no obligation consultation and case evaluation.