Dental Infection Injury

I often get questions from people who have developed an infection around the time of a dental procedure, and they want to know whether or not they could pursue a claim. Well, infections are a risk and complication of just about any type of procedure; particularly dental procedures. 

The infection cases I take on generally fall within two categories. 

First, the patient presents with an infection and the dentist either performs an improper treatment or does not prescribe antibiotics when they are indicated.

Second, is when a patient develops an infection after the procedure and the dentist ignores the signs and symptoms and fails to initiate timely treatment.  Of course, the infection spreads and gets worse.

In both cases, the damages must be sufficient enough to justify the expenses of litigation. Generally, this requires either prolonged hospitalization or a subsequent surgical procedure.

If you have sustained an injury following a dental procedure, please contact Scott for a no cost, no obligation consultation and case evaluation.