How Much is My Case Worth?

The question “how much is my case worth” frequently asked and is quite difficult to answer in the early stages. It is practically impossible to predict the value of a case until all of the information has been collected and you have recovered or almost recovered from your injury.

There are many factors that determine the value of a case which include:


  • Soft tissue” injuries – strains, sprains, and back pains – are generally valued differently than fractures which are valued differently than catastrophic injuries or death.

  • Extent of the treatment that is necessary to treat the injuries

  • Whether there are any gaps in treatment or issues of non-compliance with order

  • Permanency of your injuries


  • Medical bills, lost wages and other expenditures

  • And whether or not you’ll incur these in the future

 NON-ECONOMIC DAMAGES – the other harms and losses that you sustained but do not come with a price tag or receipt.

  • How bad did it hurt

  • How long did it hurt

  • How much did it interfere with your life

LIABILITY ANALYSIS: The extent of liability on the part of the potential defendant and whether there is any evidence that you caused or contributed in any way to your own injuries

INSURANCE AND COVERAGE: Which insurance company is involved in the case, is there coverage for the loss, and what is the limits of the policy.

If you have questions about personal injury claims please contact Scott for a no cost, no obligation consultation and case evaluation.