Drive Safe This Holiday Season

“It’s not you that I worry about,” said my mom when I received my driver’s license, “it’s the other drivers that concern me.”   She is right.  To a great extent, every time we get behind the wheel of a car we are putting our safety (and lives) in the hands of thousands of other people we encounter driving on Ohio’s roadways.  Even the most cautious and careful driver can fall victim to someone else’s carelessness.  

As the holiday season is upon us, many of us will be traveling to spend time with friends and family throughout the country.  According to the Ohio Department of Public Safety, there were 36,392 motor vehicle accidents in the months of November and December last year; the majority of which – 29,678 – was in December.   And for 11,578 people, an accident resulted in some type of injury. 

So, what can we do to protect ourselves this holiday season? Simple, control what you can and, hopefully, others will too:

  1. Don’t drink and drive
  2. Don’t text and drive
  3. Don’t drive if you’re tired
  4. Maintain appropriate speeds and distances in inclement weather
  5. Report unsafe driving
  6. Wear your seat belt

Enjoy your holidays and I wish you safe travel!  

If you have been injured by the negligence of another, contact me for a no cost, no obligation consultation and case evaluation; I will fight for you.