It’s that time of year when cyclists are looking forward to leaving our rollers in the basement for some open road; or at least we hope, open road. Although many communities have been welcoming cyclists with the addition of sharrows and other bike-friendly amenities; cyclists still must navigate roadways along with motor vehicles. This can be extremely intimidating for a new-comer and is no less dangerous for an experienced cyclist. Throw in deteriorating road surfaces, debris, defective products, and the occasional dog, and a simple bike ride can be a fairly precarious activity.
We’ve all had close calls out on the road and, fortunately for most, that is the worst we will endure. However, according to the Ohio Department of Public Safety, in 2013 there were 975 accidents involving bicycles; many of which resulted in permanent, debilitating injuries including death. While the 2013 statistics pale in comparison to 2012 – 1,954 accidents involving bicycles – it still means that approximately three (3) Ohio cyclists are involved in an accident per day.
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